10 rue Baudin, 34000 Montpellier

Our Standard Rooms

Rablelais: Wheelchair accessible room in Montpellier

Our wheelchair accessible room in Montpellier, Rabelais, is perfectly equipped. In addition, being located on the ground floor of our historic building, it is easily accessible from the entrance of our hotel. This is why this welcoming room is particularly suitable for our customers with disabilities.

Couples or single travelers, this room will enhance your stay. Equipped with a standard double bed 140/190 cm and high quality bedding, you will be at ease and enjoy its comfort. In addition, you can enjoy a large Italian bathroom, spacious and adapted to your needs, with a functional shower. You will also find all the amenities necessary for your well-being as well as beingh decorated originally with mosaics in the colors of Siena earth tones. You can also read or work on a small desk and watch our television. Finally, our high speed wifi will accompany you throughout your stay. The room also has a mini-bar. In conclusion, all these details are perfectly integrated into a refined decoration in beautiful colors.

So, as a couple or alone, you are welcome to come and enjoy its functionality and aesthetics. In addition, you will be a minute from Place de la Comédie, parking lots and the tram services. With this advantage, you have quick access to all the urban amenities while discovering our beautiful Montpellier esplanade as warm as it is animated. So go ahead, come and join us at the Hotel d’Aragon and we will take care of you!

Equipments and criteria